Does Your Child Need Glasses? 5 Ways to Tell.

"Children often do not realize there is a problem and accept their vision as it is," states Dr. Jonathan H. Salvin via Metro Kids.

Having to squint or a possible blurred image may come off as normal to your children because that is what they are used to. That's why it is important to have your children's eyes checked regularly to avoid more serious issues down the road.

There is a lot to know about your eyes and what symptoms to look for when detecting children's vision problems. And good news for you, you don't have to be an optometrist to know these symptoms - we have laid out the most common vision problems and the best ways to treat them. These issues may be a sign your child needs glasses, and Jonas Paul Eyewear can help!

**If any of these symptoms seem alarming to you, we advise you to schedule an appointment with your child's eye doctor to have it checked as soon as you can!*

1. Squinting

Children who squint are attempting to see more clearly by changing the shape of their eye. If you notice that your child is squinting while they are looking at a screen, reading or talking with you, it generally means they are trying to compensate for poor vision and it is time to schedule an eye appointment.

2. Headaches

Headaches can be a symptom for many things, but if you notice that your child’s headaches become more frequent, this could signify poor vision problems. If they are signaling towards frontal headaches or brow aches, this could show that your child is attempting to compensate by exerting extra effort to clear their vision.

3. Holding objects close to face

Children who sit too close to a screen or hold a book close to their face indicate signs of nearsightedness. Nearsighted children generally have clear vision at a close range and poor vision at a distance. Children will bring the object closer to their faces to create a clear focal point and make the image larger. If you notice this symptom among your children, it is important to schedule an eye appointment as uncorrected vision problems can become worse with time.

4. Tilting head

Children who frequently tilt their head or cover one eye are trying to adjust the angle of vision in attempt to increase clarity. This is usually an indication that your child’s eyes are misaligned, resulting in lazy eye or eye muscle imbalance. When your child performs this action, they could be trying to minimize the double vision to a more manageable level.

5. Eye rubbing

While eye rubbing is common for children, if you notice this action becoming more frequent, it might mean something more serious. This indicator could show signs of eye strain and fatigue from overcompensation of poor vision. Glasses will help reduce the strain on the eyes and allow the eyes to focus properly.

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